
wang yue中文是什么意思

  • 王(王+月)
  • 王越



  • 例句与用法
  • Madam liang dan , brunch director of unido mr . wang yue , director of cicete
  • Mr . wang yue , director general of cicete and chairman of the china - finland sme working group , participated in the meeting
  • Mr . iipo kaislaniemi said that he would bring the greeting of mr . wang yue back to finland . the chinese side is ahead of the finnish
  • Song peng , from the computer science department of tianjin university , and wang yue , from the accounting department of nankai university , won joint first prize
  • After the meeting , mr . wang yue , chairman of china - finland sme working group for the chinese side and director general of cicete received mr . iipo kaislaniemi
  • Mr . wang yue introduced to the finnish guests the current stage of development of smes in china , relevant government supportive policies , services and the working mechanism of the working group on china - finland sme and work already done in this group
  • Mr . wang yue extended his welcome to mr . iipo kaislaniemi s visit and thanked him for his efforts to promote bilateral sme cooperation and would like mr . iipo kaislaniemi to extend his greetings to mr . antti peltoniemi , finnish chairman and other colleagues working in the ministry of trade and industry
    王粤主任对凯先生的访问表示欢迎,对其为双边中小企业合作做出的努力表示感谢,并请转达他对芬方主席antti peltoniemi先生以及贸工部等其他同事的问候。
  • On the next day , mr . iipo kaislaniemi visited cicete , met mr . wang yue , director general of cicete and head of the china - finland sme working group and discussed with mr . sun tongquan and ms . tian yuanshi on the activities to be carried out by the sme working group this year
  • The finnish guarantee committee finnvera delegation visited cicete in the afternoon of march 1st , 2004 . delegates included mr . markus aaltonen , chairman of finnvera and chairman of its board of directors , mr . kalle korhenen , director general of the industrial department , ministry of trade and industry and mr . markku makinen , manager director of finnvera . mr . wang yue , chairman for the chinese part of working group on china - finland sme under the mixed commission on economic , industrial , scientific and technical cooperation and director general of cicete , received the delegation
    2004年3月1日下午,经芬兰驻华使馆与中国国际经济技术交流中心下称"交流中心"联系,芬兰担保委员会finnvera董事会主席markus aaltonen先生担保委员会主席芬兰贸工部工业司司长kalle korhenen先生担保委员会总经理markku makinen先生组成的代表团访问了交流中心,中芬经贸联委会中小企业工作组中方主席交流中心主任王粤会见了代表团一行。
  • Mofcom , department of european affairs is responsible for the overall guidance and monitoring the implementation of cooperative projects . mofcom appointed china international centre for economic and technical exchanges hereafter referred to as " cicete " as the leading agency for the working group , taking care of daily work . mr . wang yue , head of cicete serves as the chairman of the working group for the chinese side
  • 推荐英语阅读
wang yue的中文翻译,wang yue是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译wang yue,wang yue的中文意思,wang yue的中文wang yue in Chinesewang yue的中文wang yue怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
